Friday, October 30, 2009
Giggles and Grins tile necklace giveaway
Roz Petal Studios Glow in the dark polymer clay star and moon ring
hugs and hope club for sick kids
The HUGS and HOPE Club provides the rare gift of friendship: a listening ear, a sympathetic heart.*
Our mission is to share God’s love and provide friendship and support to families of sick children who live within the United States by sending happy mail and offering various activities to children between the ages of 2 and 17.
We do this through the following projects and programs:
* Mailing cheery cards (a.k.a. “happy mail”)
* Providing balloon bouquets to hospitalized children
* Granting children’s wishes
* Providing Christmas gifts through our Elf Project
* Assigning a personal “parent pal” who encourages, cheers, and supports the family in crisis.
This will be my 3rd or 4th (can’t remember) year being a Christmas Elf for Hugs & Hope. Families with a sick child often spend most of their money on medical care and don’t usually have a lot of money to spend on their kids for Christmas. Hugs & Hugs created Christmas Elf to make sure EACH sick child and EACH of their siblings receive a Christmas Stocking AND Christmas presents each year! Isn’t that wonderful? Basically, every child is assigned a Stocking Elf & a Presents Elf!
This year, I’m buying Stocking gifts for 15-year-old twin girls. Their sister suffers from a degenerative disease called Batten’s Disease. To fill their stockings, I’m actually buying some soaps from AJ Sweet Soaps & a candle from Southern Alchemy! I think girls of that age would enjoy those! If any shops would like to donate anything towards the stockings, let me know! I will feature you on Ms. Modern!
There is STILL time to register to be a Christmas Elf at Hugs & Hope! Gifts must be mailed no later than December 4, so you can still join!
read all about it here